
We analyze and generate and communicate data across multiple scales of space and time.

National Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts

These accounts measure Ecological Footprint, and Biocapacity, by total and by component, at a national level and on a world-total basis. Components are cropland, grazing land, built-up land, fishing grounds, forest products, and forest carbon uptake. This last component is the area of forested lands that are needed to absorb carbon emitted from burning fossil fuels, in a year, beyond the amount of carbon absorbed in that same year from the world's oceans.

The 2024 Edition of the accounts covers the period 1961-2023.

  National and world-total data as an Excel workbook

  Release Notes details the edition's metadata

  Release Webinar introducing this dataset.

This edition was produced using data from global statistics that detail consumption, production, population, and economic parameters by year, and by country or the world. Key sources include the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and its PopStat, ProdStat, TradeStat, ResourceStat, and FishStat databases, Sea Around Us, UN COMTRADE, CORINE Land Cover, Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ), Global Land Cover (GLC), Global Carbon Budget, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Penn World Tables.

This edition of the accounts was produced for the Footprint Data Foundation.

Data from this edition or prior editions was used for:

  Data Stories that explain and explore interesting data details

Data from this edition is used by Global Footprint Network:

  Data visualizations by country with comparisons to GDP and HDI

  Ecological Footprint calculator to estimate your personal footprint

  Public data package of Excel workbook and visuals

This latest edition replaces prior editions of the National Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts that we produced: Edition 2022, Edition 2021.

Ontario Ecological Footprint of Consumption and Biocapacity in Ontario

Data were generated for Ecological Footprint of Consumption in 2005, 2010, 2015 and compared to the Biocapacity of lands and waters within Ontario. Ecological Footprint of Consumption was generated by apportioning the national accounts of Canada to Ontario's share of consumption on a sectoral and household basis, taking into account differences in the carbon intensity of electricity generated in Ontario. Data are available within the publication Ontario's Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity: Measures and trends from 2005 to 2015 and through the State of Ontario's Biodiversity reporting system.

University-wide Emissions and Ecological Footprint data

We accounted for scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 (upstream) greenhouse gas emissions, and ecological footprint, of York University over a 5-year period, following the approach of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The approach we took, and the database we created, could be replicated to other Canadian universities. Please contact Eric Miller about the possibility of replicating this for your university.

Community Ecological Footprint data

Two projects have generated estimates of Ecological Footprint on a community basis, but our partners have not yet permitted us to share this publicly. The approach we took could be replicated to other communities. Please contact our team about working with your community to measure and reduce its footprint.

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